Upstream In Focus – Get noticed
with a print campaign
Upstream is proud to present Upstream in Focus, our new quarterly publication tailored for – and distributed at – some of the most important upstream energy conferences held around the world in 2025. Each issue will zero in on the topics of most interest to a fast-changing oil and gas industry, with our global team of reporters looking beyond the news of the moment to examine the trends, technologies and individuals shaping the energy business today — and ensuring that it thrives in a low-carbon future.
High impact positions
Be seen first. Choose prime positions next to the big stories (pages 3,5,7,9 plus the front page)
Market sections
Visibility in our market sector news pages including the energy transition coverage, will help you achieve specialist impact for your business.
Special Focuses
Target high-level thinkers in every field in energy with our in-depth features and expert analysis.
An insert distributed with the newspaper is a cost effective way to grab instant attention. We also offer frontpage branded memo stickers.